Call for
Special Sessions Proposals
NEWCAS has an excellent track record over the years for organizing Special Sessions in new or emerging areas. We are encouraging innovative and high-quality proposals for Special Sessions that complement the regular program of the conference.
Special Sessions should be focused and provide both, an overview of the state-of-the-art, as well as highlight the most promising research directions, trends and challenges in the scope of the conference.
Prospective organizers of Special Sessions should submit proposals indicating:
- Title of the session
- Rationale of the need for the Special Session at NEWCAS. The rationale should stress the novelty of the topic and its multidisciplinary flavor (if any)
- Short biography of the organizers
- List of five (5) contributed papers (including titles, authors, contact information of the corresponding author, and a short abstract of each contribution). Organizers should not contribute more than one paper.
- One overview paper is possible to start the session.
- Preliminary full version of the papers (if ready) could be sent at this stage to enhance the chances of proposal acceptance.
Proposals are due on or before January 10, 2025 and should be sent in pdf format to the Special Session chairs, Elizabeth Colin and Herve Barthélémy, by using the following e-mail address:
Proposals will be evaluated based on the timeliness of the topic, the qualifications of the organizers and the authors of the contributed papers, the balance of the topics across the technical areas represented in CAS.
Notification of acceptance will be sent to the organizers by January 15, 2025. Authors of papers included in successful proposals should submit a manuscript on or before February 3, 2025. Manuscripts should conform to the formatting and electronic submission guidelines of regular NEWCAS papers. They will undergo peer review. It is the responsibility of the organizers to ensure that their Special Session meets the NEWCAS quality standards. If, at the end of the review process, fewer than four (4) papers are accepted, the session will be canceled and the accepted papers will be moved to regular sessions.